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. 2023 Sep 26;10:656. doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02491-7

Table 2.

Software Citation Use Cases—Software Citation with Software Heritage Persistent Identifier (PID) & Software Citation with other PID.

Use Case Name, Description Desired Outcome for JATS XML version 1.3 Desired Outcome for Crossref Metadata depository schema 5.3.1 Notes

Use Case C

Software Citation with Software Heritage Persistent Identifier (PID)

A registered PID has the desired metadata to support this citation and allows for content negotiation.

<ref id=“bib2”> <element-citation publication-type=“software”>

<person-group person-group-type=“author”>


<surname> Zhang </surname>

<given-names> Martin </given-names>



<year iso-8601-date=“2021”>2021</year>

<part-title> tabula-muris-senis </part-title>

<source> Software Heritage </source>

<pub-id pub-id-type=“swhid”> swh:1:dir:7dc782970300a97e9bca9038ba34728c857a0638 </pub-id>






<citation key=“XXX”>

<unstructured_citation> Zhang Martin 2021, tabula-muris-senis, Software Heritage,swh:1:dir:7dc782970300a97e9bca9038ba34728c857a0638 </unstructured_citation>



Non-DOI PIDS are typically not converted to clickable links on journal websites and some journals encourage use of a URL as a preference.

Use Case D

Software Citation with other PID (e.g., RRID (Research Resource Identification), ARKs (Archival Resource Key,, Handle, ASCL (Astrophysics Source Code Library,, SwMathID),

A PID is used for the software but is not a DOI.

<ref id=“bib2”>

<element-citation publication-type=“software”>

<person-group person-group-type=“author”>

<collab> Broad Institute



<part-title> CellProfiler Image Analysis Software </part-title>

<pub-id pub-id-type=“rrid”>SCR_007358</pub-id>






<citation key=“XXX”>

<unstructured_citation> Broad Institute, CellProfiler Image Analysis Software,SCR_007358 </unstructured_citation>



Non-DOI PIDS are typically not converted to clickable links on journal websites.