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. 2023 Sep 26;6(9):e2335797. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.35797

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Patients Who Received SGLT2i or Comparator Drugs After Weighting by Propensity Score Fine Stratification.

Baseline characteristic Patients, No. (%)
SGLT2i vs DPP4i SGLT2i vs GLP1RA
SGLT2i (n = 37 530) DPP4i (n = 332 004) ASD SGLT2i (n = 111 835) GLP1 RA (n = 8177) ASD
Cohort entry year
2014 1232 (3.3) 10 957 (3.3) 0.001 2499 (2.2) 166 (2) 0.014
2015 3921 (10.4) 34 628 (10.4) 0.001 9419 (8.4) 714 (8.7) 0.011
2016 5220 (13.9) 46 175 (13.9) <0.001 16 845 (15.1) 1225 (15) 0.002
2017 6310 (16.8) 55 960 (16.9) 0.001 19 557 (17.5) 1545 (18.9) 0.036
2018 5815 (15.5) 51 432 (15.5) <0.001 18 336 (16.4) 1286 (15.7) 0.018
2019 7414 (19.8) 65 512 (19.7) 0.001 23 212 (20.8) 1663 (20.3) 0.01
2020 7618 (20.3) 67 340 (20.3) <0.001 21 967 (19.6) 1579 (19.3) 0.008
Age, mean (SD), y 60.6 (9.7) 60.6 (9.9) 0.001 61.4 (9.8) 61.1 (10.3) 0.039
Age group
45-65 26 760 (71.3) 237 418 (71.5) 0.001 75 939 (67.9) 5613 (68.6) 0.016
>65 10 770 (28.7) 94 626 (28.5) 35 896 (32.1) 2564 (31.4)
Diabetic medications
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors 1141 (3) 10 117 (3) <0.001 3141 (2.8) 259 (3.2) 0.021
GLP1RA 126 (0.3) 868 (0.3) 0.014 NA NA NA
DPP4i NA NA NA 68 426 (61.2) 4864 (59.5) 0.035
Insulin 3258 (8.7) 28 607 (8.6) 0.002 15 717 (14.1) 1265 (15.5) 0.04
Meglitinides 191 (0.5) 1681 (0.5) <0.001 580 (0.5) 49 (0.6) 0.011
Metformin 21 188 (56.5) 187 378 (56.4) <0.001 90 052 (80.5) 6372 (77.9) 0.064
Sulfonylureas 9388 (25) 83 027 (25) <0.001 53 286 (47.6) 4034 (49.3) 0.034
Thiazolidinediones 2708 (7.2) 23 821 (7.2) 0.002 15 904 (14.2) 1264 (15.5) 0.035
No. of diabetic medications being taken
0-1 26 469 (70.5) 234 486 (70.6) 0.002 29 365 (26.3) 2197 (26.9) 0.014
2-3 10 752 (28.6) 94 809 (28.6) 0.002 69 311 (62) 4851 (59.3) 0.054
≥4 309 (0.8) 2709 (0.8) 0.001 13 159 (11.8) 1129 (13.8) 0.061
Level of diabetes treatmenta
1 25 926 (69.1) 229 636 (69.2) 0.002 28 629 (25.6) 2144 (26.2) 0.014
2 8346 (22.2) 73 761 (22.2) 0.001 67 489 (60.3) 4767 (58.3) 0.042
3 3258 (8.7) 28 607 (8.6) 0.002 15 717 (14.1) 1265 (15.5) 0.04
Diabetes related conditions
Diabetic nephropathy 1148 (3.1) 10 107 (3) 0.001 5811 (5.2) 401 (4.9) 0.014
Diabetic neuropathy 4595 (12.2) 40 551 (12.2) 0.001 20 639 (18.5) 1543 (18.9) 0.011
Diabetic retinopathy 5730 (15.3) 50 450 (15.2) 0.002 25 723 (23) 1818 (22.2) 0.018
Hypoglycemia 130 (0.3) 1154 (0.3) <0.001 543 (0.5) 34 (0.4) 0.01
Charlson Comorbidity Index
0 19 584 (52.2) 173 208 (52.2) <0.001 49 318 (44.1) 3450 (42.2) 0.039
1 10 586 (28.2) 93 614 (28.2) <0.001 40 709 (36.4) 3116 (38.1) 0.035
2 4385 (11.7) 38 826 (11.7) <0.001 10 796 (9.7) 782 (9.6) 0.003
≥3 2975 (7.9) 26 356 (7.9) <0.001 11 012 (9.8) 830 (10.2) 0.01
No. of outpatients visits
0-2 1038 (2.8) 9264 (2.8) 0.002 1451 (1.3) 177 (2.2) 0.067
3-5 1738 (4.6) 15 415 (4.6) 0.001 3034 (2.7) 231 (2.8) 0.007
≥6 34 754 (92.6) 307 325 (92.6) 0.001 107 350 (96) 7769 (95) 0.047
No. of hospitalizations
0 30 118 (80.3) 266 471 (80.3) <0.001 85 439 (76.4) 5882 (71.9) 0.102
1-2 6815 (18.2) 60 230 (18.1) <0.001 23 680 (21.2) 2060 (25.2) 0.095
≥3 597 (1.6) 5303 (1.6) 0.001 2716 (2.4) 235 (2.9) 0.028
Asthma 3249 (8.7) 28 665 (8.6) 0.001 9514 (8.5) 745 (9.1) 0.021
Chronic kidney disease 201 (0.5) 1830 (0.6) 0.002 1160 (1) 97 (1.2) 0.014
Congestive heart failure 1481 (3.9) 13 012 (3.9) 0.001 4769 (4.3) 310 (3.8) 0.024
COPD 2036 (5.4) 18 027 (5.4) <0.001 6164 (5.5) 528 (6.5) 0.04
Dementia 1001 (2.7) 8994 (2.7) 0.003 3701 (3.3) 292 (3.6) 0.014
Epilepsy 227 (0.6) 2011 (0.6) <0.001 685 (0.6) 54 (0.7) 0.006
Gout 260 (0.7) 2314 (0.7) 0.001 823 (0.7) 54 (0.7) 0.009
Hyperlipidemia 16 975 (45.2) 149 714 (45.1) 0.003 52 526 (47) 3772 (46.1) 0.017
Hypertension 20 253 (54) 178 733 (53.8) 0.003 60 294 (53.9) 4389 (53.7) 0.005
Ischemic heart disease 3273 (8.7) 28 763 (8.7) 0.002 11 078 (9.9) 758 (9.3) 0.022
Liver cirrhosis 144 (0.4) 1289 (0.4) 0.001 635 (0.6) 48 (0.6) 0.003
Osteoarthritis 12 546 (33.4) 110 917 (33.4) <0.001 38 494 (34.4) 2830 (34.6) 0.004
Osteoporosis 3268 (8.7) 28 820 (8.7) 0.001 9972 (8.9) 682 (8.3) 0.02
Parkinson disease 129 (0.3) 1165 (0.4) 0.001 497 (0.4) 45 (0.6) 0.015
Rheumatoid arthritis 778 (2.1) 6901 (2.1) <0.001 2363 (2.1) 178 (2.2) 0.004
Stroke 1068 (2.8) 9506 (2.9) 0.001 3902 (3.5) 289 (3.5) 0.003
Thyroid disease 2951 (7.9) 25 947 (7.8) 0.002 8143 (7.3) 634 (7.8) 0.018
Fall-related medications
ACE inhibitors or ARBs 19 035 (50.7) 167 677 (50.5) 0.004 60 846 (54.4) 4471 (54.7) 0.005
Anticholinergics 30 173 (80.4) 266 797 (80.4) 0.001 91 291 (81.6) 6711 (82.1) 0.011
Benzodiazepines 13 565 (36.1) 119 957 (36.1) <0.001 41 469 (37.1) 3061 (37.4) 0.007
β-Blockers 1848 (4.9) 16 290 (4.9) 0.001 5512 (4.9) 398 (4.9) 0.003
Calcium channel blockers 14 617 (38.9) 128 939 (38.8) 0.002 43 791 (39.2) 3177 (38.9) 0.006
Diuretics 9571 (25.5) 84 374 (25.4) 0.002 28 869 (25.8) 2205 (27) 0.026
Nitrates 470 (1.3) 4120 (1.2) 0.001 1643 (1.5) 86 (1.1) 0.037
Opioids 2875 (7.7) 25 364 (7.6) 0.001 9612 (8.6) 914 (11.2) 0.087
Sedative hypnotics 3976 (10.6) 35 143 (10.6) <0.001 12 507 (11.2) 937 (11.5) 0.009
Tricyclic antidepressant 2633 (7) 23 285 (7) <0.001 9056 (8.1) 716 (8.8) 0.024
Typical antipsychotics 1227 (3.3) 10 837 (3.3) <0.001 3875 (3.5) 355 (4.3) 0.045
Osteoporosis medications
Bisphosphonates 1737 (4.6) 15 346 (4.6) <0.001 5529 (4.9) 320 (3.9) 0.05
Calcium/vitamin D 2903 (7.7) 25 547 (7.7) 0.002 9346 (8.4) 671 (8.2) 0.005
Parathyroid hormone/calcitonin 108 (0.3) 964 (0.3) <0.001 384 (0.3) 19 (0.2) 0.021
RANKL inhibitors 134 (0.4) 1181 (0.4) <0.001 470 (0.4) 32 (0.4) 0.004
SERMs 440 (1.2) 3882 (1.2) <0.001 1348 (1.2) 78 (1) 0.024
Anticoagulants 1287 (3.4) 11 337 (3.4) 0.001 4617 (4.1) 398 (4.9) 0.036
Anticonvulsants 4301 (11.5) 37 984 (11.4) 0.001 17 293 (15.5) 1358 (16.6) 0.031
Antidepressants 2806 (7.5) 24 661 (7.4) 0.002 9172 (8.2) 815 (10) 0.061
Aromatase inhibitors 2 (0) 16 (0) 0.001 0 (0) 0 (0) NA
Oral corticosteroids 14 825 (39.5) 131 199 (39.5) <0.001 41 631 (37.2) 3136 (38.4) 0.023
Hormone replacement therapy 2180 (5.8) 19 339 (5.8) 0.001 6300 (5.6) 494 (6) 0.018
Immunosuppressants 113 (0.3) 1016 (0.3) 0.001 382 (0.3) 49 (0.6) 0.038
NSAIDs 25 971 (69.2) 229 672 (69.2) 0.001 79 021 (70.7) 5773 (70.6) 0.001
Platelet inhibitors 23 792 (63.4) 210 321 (63.3) 0.001 75 427 (67.4) 5511 (67.4) 0.001
Proton-pump inhibitors 14 685 (39.1) 129 908 (39.1) <0.001 46 368 (41.5) 3480 (42.6) 0.022
Statins 22 388 (59.7) 197 423 (59.5) 0.004 79 510 (71.1) 5537 (67.7) 0.073

Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARBs, angiotensin receptor blockers; ASD, absolute standardized difference; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder; DPP4i, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors; GLP1RA, glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists; NA, not applicable; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; RANKL, receptor activator of nuclear factors kappa B ligand; SERMs, selective estrogen receptor modulator; SGLT2i, sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors.


Defined depending on the number of antidiabetic medication (excluding the study drugs of interest), prescribed in the year preceding the index date: level 1, taking none or 1 class of antidiabetic medication other than insulin; level 2, taking 2 or more different classes of antidiabetic medication without insulin; and level 3, taking insulin with or without other classes of antidiabetic medication.