Figure 4. Relationship between AD severity and blood biomarkers.
A. Serum total IgE increased with AD severity. B & C. Peripheral blood absolute eosinophil count (AEC) and percentage of participants with AEC > 500 cells/mm3 significantly increased with AD severity. D. Allergen sensitization, as measured by the multi-aeroallergen Phadiatop test, increased as AD severity increased. E. The percentage of positive Fx5 food allergen tests increased with AD severity. This test was only performed on AD participants ≤ 6 years of age (N=348). F. The absolute Fx5 value increased as a function of AD severity in this pediatric cohort. Top and bottom of boxes represent first and third quartiles, respectively, the center line represents the median, whiskers represent minimum to maximum excluding any outliers (greater than 1.5*IQR from the first or third quartiles).