Figure 5. Cognitive functions associated with the DMN contrasted with other brain networks.
Consistency of cognitive functions assessed using three different functional brain atlases. The terms “task-induced deactivations”, “theory of mind”, “semantic discrimination”, “episodic recall”, “emotion induction” and “self-reflection” figure prominently across atlases. Proportion of voxels in the DMN, in relation to other large-scale networks in each map. ECN (frontoparietal) executive control network, sal salience network, precun precuneus, BG basal ganglia, visuospat visuospatial network, sensmot sensorimotor network. TID Task-Induced Deactivations. The ventral attention network by Yeo et al. includes the salience network. The language network by Shirer et al. includes large parts of the DMN as depicted by others. Adapted from76.