(a) Pedigree and segregation analysis of BBS4 variants in DM1566. (b) Schematic representation of human chromosome 15 showing the location of BBS4 with vertical red bar; enlarged view of CNV and SNV bearing region of BBS4 correspond to red horizontal bar and asterisk respectively; AluSc8 and AluSx are indicated at bottom. (c) Sequence chromatogram of paternally-inherited c.332+8T>C change, the variant position is shaded with a light blue vertical bar. (d) CNV plot showing a pathogenic heterozygous two-exon deletions in BBS4, the gray area marks a 95% confidence interval. Black vertical dotted lines indicate the position of the CNV. Bottom, schematic of the BBS4 locus; vertical bars, exons; horizontal line, intronic region; numbers indicate genomic coordinates on chromosome 15 (hg19). (e) BBS4 breakpoint junction sequence in genomic DNA; reference location highlighted in blue and a 22 bp microhomology region present at the junction is shown in red; Int, intron. (f) RT-PCR results show impaired splicing in proband cDNA; 2% agarose gel showing BBS4 amplification products in unaffected control (C, 432 bp expected wild type product) and affected individual II-1 (320 bp band showing exon-5 skipping due to splicing variant and 288 bp band indicating exon 3-4 deletion due to CNV); ACTB (380 bp) was amplified to ensure RNA integrity for both control and proband; M, DNA marker; Ex, exon. (g) Sequence chromatograms of RT-PCR products from unaffected control (top) and DM1566 proband show aberrant mRNA splicing outcomes from maternally inherited exon 3-4 deletion (middle) and paternally inherited exon 5 skipping (bottom).