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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Med Genet A. 2023 Jun 9;191(9):2376–2391. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.63322

Table 1.

Summary of main BBS related clinical manifestations and overlapping features

Family ID Sex Age BMI (kg/m2) Main clinical features Minor or secondary clinical features Others
DM1564 F 10 yrs 22.1 + + ND + ND ND ND + + + LD
DM1565 F 29 yrs 36.2 + + + + + ND ND + + + + DM, HCL, HH, PCOS SS,HT
DM1566 M 15 yrs 32.4 + + + + + mild + + + + + + + CTEV, ROM, HTG, XN, PP
DM1567 M 5 yrs 17.4 ND + ND + ND severe + + Atx, BA, AT, VI, XN, MG, CD, Sn
DM1568 F 6 yrs 24.7 ND + + + ND moderate + + + + + + S, SVT, HD, BA, AT
DM1569 F 6 yrs 31.7 + + + + ND severe + + + PMA, BA, XN
DM1570 F 39 yrs 52.7 + + + + + moderate ND + + + + HF, HT, DM, NYS, PC
DM1571 F 42 yrs 36.4 + + + + + ND + + + + DBA, ONA, HT, SS, PCOS
DM1572 M 18 yrs 35.3 + + + ND moderate + + HH, ASD, RTG, Sn, BA
DM1573–1 M 21 yrs 37 + + + ND moderate + + + + + T2DM, FL, HT
DM1573–2 F 16 yrs 54.7 + + + ND ND severe + + + + BA, HT, T2DM, HTG, HCM, FL
DM1574 M 20 yrs 34.9 + + + + + moderate + + + + HT, HCL, HTG, FL
DM1575 F 8 yrs 30.4 + + + ND severe + + + + BA, FL, HM, VSD, Atx
DM1576 M 16 yrs 31.9 + + + ND mild ND + + + FL, SL
DM1582 M 33 yrs 34.7 + + + + mild + LD, HCL, FL, CTEV
DM1583 F 15 yrs 27 + + + + + mild + + + + + + + + + HT, ASD
DM1584 M 7 yrs 24.2 + + + + ND mild + + + HM, HTG
DM1585 F 7 yrs 22.6 + + + + ND severe + + + + Cat, VI
DM1586 F 13 yrs 33.4 + + + ND + moderate + + + +
DM1587 F 2 mo ND + + + + ND + + + + IH
DM1588 F 13 yrs 28.1 + + + + + moderate + AN, VI, PMD
DM1589 M 3 yrs 29.5 ND + ND + ND moderate VI, PMD
DM1590 F 5 yrs 31,2 ND + + + + mild + + + + CVA, PF, PMA, HTG, HCL
DM1591 F 2 mo ND + ND + + ND + + CVA, UTIs, RRIs

Phenotypes are indicated as present (+) and absent (−). ND indicates no data available, or subject was not evaluated. ASD, atrial septal defect; AST, astigmatism; AT, autistic trait; Atx, ataxic gait; AN, acantosis nigricans; BA, behavior abnormalities; BC, brachycephaly; BD, brachydactyly; BMI, body mass index; Cat, cataract; CD, clinodactyly; CTEV, congenital talipes equinovarus; CVA, congenital vaginal atresia; DBA, delayed bone age; DD, developmental delay; DM, diabetes mellitus; T2DM, diabetes mellitus type 2; FL, fatty liver; F, female; HAP, high arch palate; HCL, hypercholesterolemia; HD, hypodontia; HF, hepatic fibrosis; HG, hypogonadism; HH, hepatic hemangioma; HM, hepatomegaly; HT, hypothyroidism; HTG, hypertriglyceridemia; ID, intellectual disability; IH, imperforate hymen; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LD, learning difficulties; MC, macrocephaly; M, male; MG, micrognathia; mo, months; MY, myopia; NYS, nystagmus; Ob, obesity; ONA, optic nerve atrophy; PC, presbycusis; PCOS, polycystic ovaries; PD, polydactyly; PF, down slated palpebral fissures; PMA, psychomotor hyperactivity/agitation; PMD, psychomotor delay; PP, puberphonia; RD, renal disorder; ROM, recurrent otitis media; RP, retinitis pigmentosa; RRIs, recurrent respiratory infections; RTG, retrognathia; SL, skin lesions; SLI, speech and language impairment; Sn, synophrys; SS, short stature; Str, strabismus; SYN, syndactyly; UTIs, recurrent urinary tract infections; VI, vision impairment; VSD, ventricular septal defect; XN, night blindness; yrs, years.