(A) UMAP of Leiden cluster 13 following subclustering and annotated by cell type, with pericytes (purple) separating from vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMCs, pink) and endothelial cells (green). (B-C) Mean gene expression in wild type (WT, grey bars) and spock1 mutant (hm41, black bars) endothelial cells (B) and pericytes (C). Error bars represent SEM. Mutants appear to have lower levels of mcamb in both pericytes and endothelial cells and reduced foxc1b expression in pericytes. (D-I) HCR FISH reveals strong expression of mcamb (turquoise) in wild type vessels (magenta) and notch3+ pericytes (orange, D), both in the midbrain (F-G) and hindbrain (H-I). Spock1 mutants have significantly reduced expression of mcamb in the midbrain (E-G), but normal levels in the hindbrain (H-I), where no leakage is observed. (J-M) HCR FISH reveals expression of foxc1b (turquoise) in wild type notch3+ pericytes (orange, J), both in the midbrain (L) and hindbrain (M). Spock1 mutants have significantly reduced expression of foxc1b (K) in the midbrain (L) but not in the hindbrain (H). Scale bar represents 10 μm. **** p<0.0001 by unpaired t test.