[46] |
2018 |
Dual |
Implemented KIKI-net, a cross-domain CNN that operates sequentially on k-space, image, k-space, and image to achieve better image reconstruction and minimize aliasing artifacts |
Increasing noise levels in data potentially lead to blurred output images and lower PSNR, affecting performance |
[9] |
2019 |
k-space |
Developed RAKI, a k-space method for non-linear reconstruction of undersampled data from autocalibration signal data, using subject-specific neural networks without extensive training databases |
CNN architecture heuristically selected, performance may vary with different network parameters; fixed learning rates in gradient descent algorithm may not be optimal for all applications |
[4] |
2020 |
Dual |
A dual domain recurrent network was developed to restore both the image and k-space domains, with an embedded T1 prior for enhanced restoration quality |
Limited generalization to unseen data and imaging conditions, data scarcity, and the need for large amounts of labeled training data |
[47] |
2020 |
Dual |
Implemented MRI dual-domain reconstruction network (MD-Recon-Net) to explore the latent relationship between k-space and spatial data |
Limited generalization to unseen data and imaging conditions |
[48] |
2021 |
k-Space |
Employed a residual encoder-decoder network with self-attention layers to achieve adaptive focus and enhance interpolation performance |
Potential sensitivity to variations in acquisition parameters and noise levels |
[49] |
2022 |
Dual |
Utilized complex-valued operations on a cross-domain neural network called the Primal-Dual net (PD-net) for reconstruction and provided an optimal representation of magnitude and phase information in the data |
Limited generalization to unseen data and imaging conditions |
[50] |
2022 |
Dual |
Preserved structure details and removed aliasing artifacts using double-domain GAN |
Limited validation on clinical usability, further experiments needed to introduce additional analysis measurements |
[51] |
2022 |
k-space |
Achieved high-fidelity multi-coil MRI reconstruction using recurrent variational network |
Required more memory during training to accumulate gradients for back-propagation during loss function computation |
[52] |
2022 |
Dual |
Utilized spatial and Fourier domain convolutional layers in an interleaved hybrid domain CNN model, incorporating local residual connections to enhance the reconstruction performance |
Still have some residual blur or ringing artifacts that could affect the accuracy of fine details in the reconstructed images |