Agar spot assay with Lactobacillus animalis SWLA-1, concentrated CFS, and antibiotic disks against Staphylococcus pseudintermedius KUVM1701GC. The sections are divided as: PBS, phosphate buffered saline; DA, clindamycin (2 µg/disk); OX, oxacillin (1 µg/disk); CFS, 10-fold concentrated CFS derived from L. animalis SWLA-1 (118.82 ± 3.27 mg/mL); MRS, 10-fold concentrated sterile Man Rogosa and Sharpe broth (121.47 ± 4.76 mg/mL); L.SWLA-1, bacterial spot of L. animalis SWLA-1. The inhibition halos (mm) were observed as: PBS = 0, DA = 22.67 ± 0.58, OX = 0, CFS = 13.33 ± 0.58, MRS = 0, L.SWLA-1 = 26.67 ± 1.15. The numerical data are presented as means ± standard deviation of the experiments performed independently in triplicate.