(A–E). SSCs with high electrochemical performance from PPM: (A) Schematic diagram of the fabrication process of coplanar SSC electrode patterns; SSC electrode patterns with (B) interdigitated, (C) concentric circular, (D) concentric rectangular, and (E) wave-shaped configurations [111]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier. (F) Schematic illustration of the pattern changes of the reprogrammed circuit and its corresponding actual digital image. Subsequent circuits were gradually modified from the first case, but on different PI substrates. The LEDs were introduced after completing these circuits to confirm that they were conducting [112]. Copyright 2021, Springer Nature. (G) Illustration of the laser ablation strategy, using low power to trace metal traces and high power to cut PET films. (H) Microscopic image of the sensor and wires, showing the ablated aluminum sensor (red) and cut interconnect wires (cyan) [113]. Copyright 2022, Springer Nature.