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. 1998 Dec;36(12):3686–3688. doi: 10.1128/jcm.36.12.3686-3688.1998


Isolates used in this study and consecutively passaged 20 times in vitro

Isolate Source Serovar Genotypea GenBank accession no. (reference)
115053 Urethra I Ia AF063201 (18)
115245 Cervix F F X52080 (24)
115328 Cervix F F X52080 (24)
115644b Urethra E E X52557 (15)
115718c Cervix J Ja AF063203 (18)
116015 Cervix D D2 AF086854
116293 Cervix D D6 AF086855
117424 Cervix E E X52557 (15)
117542 Urethra J J2 AF086856
123130 Cervix I Ia AF063201 (18)

Genotypes were established by direct DNA sequencing of the omp1 PCR product amplified from each isolate before and after 20 passages in vitro. 


This isolate did not expand in vitro. Only the clinical specimen was sequenced. 


An aliquot of the first in vitro passage was used as the original specimen for sequencing.