(a) General regulatory strategy of a bacterial RSS-sensing repressor. (b) Various reactive sulfur species (RSS) with those molecules harboring a sulfur-bonded sulfur (sulfane sulfur) atoms boxed, and grouped into inorganic, organic (where R is a low molecular weight thiol) and proteinaceous species (top to bottom). Three generally reversible oxidative modifications on proteins are also shown. (c) Reactivity of an organic hydropersulfide toward nucleophiles (Nu–) and electrophiles (E+), with the relationship of the perthiyl radical with the persulfide shown. (d) Chemical structures of common alkylating agents (Alk) with the electrophilic moiety circled, used to profile thiols and persulfides in mixtures. A blocker is a functional group on Alk itself that prevents hydrolysis or nucleophilic (Nu–) attack and loss of the persulfide S atom [33,85].