Antibodies |
Rabbit polyclonal anti-N6-methyladenosine |
AbCam |
Cat#151230; RRID:AB_2753144 |
Mouse monoclonal anti-hsp90 |
BD Biosciences |
Cat#610418; RRID:AB_397798 |
Rabbit polyclonal anti-eIF3b |
Bethyl |
Cat#A301-761A; RRID:AB_1210995 |
Mouse monoclonal anti-ATF4 |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat#11815; RRID:AB_2616025 |
Rabbit monoclonal anti-phospho-GCN2 |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat#94668; RRID:n/a |
Rabbit polyclonal anti-GCN2 |
Invitrogen |
Cat#PA5-17523; RRID:AB_10983800 |
Rabbit monoclonal anti-PERK |
Cell Signaling Technology |
Cat#C33E10; RRID:n/a |
Rabbit polyclonal anti-rpS19 |
Proteintech |
Cat#15085-1-AP; RRID:AB_2180202 |
Rabbit polyclonal anti-eIF2α |
Proteintech |
Cat#11170-1-AP; RRID:AB_2096489 |
Rabbit monoclonal anti-ALKBH5 |
Invitrogen |
Cat#10H24L9; RRID:n/a |
Goat anti-Rabbit HRP |
Invitrogen |
Cat#31462; RRID:AB_228338 |
Goat anti-Mouse HRP |
Invitrogen |
Cat#31432; RRID:AB_228302 |
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins |
Fetal Bovine Serum |
Biowest |
Cat#S1620 |
Thapsigargin |
Cayman Chemical |
Cat#10522 |
Tunicamycin |
Cayman Chemical |
Cat#11445 |
PERKi (GSK2656157) |
MedChemExpress |
Cat#HY-13820 |
GCN2iB |
MedChemExpress |
Cat#HY-112654 |
Cap-Clip Acid Pyrophosphatase |
Cellscript |
Cat#C-CC15011H |
Bovine-Serum Albumin |
Chemimpex |
Cat#00577 |
Chemimpex |
Cat#00127 |
Hybond-N+ membrane |
Cytiva |
Cat#RPN303B |
Trypsin |
Genesee |
Cat#25-510 |
Penicillin-streptomycin |
Genesee |
Cat#25-512 |
Random Hexamer |
Integrated DNA Technologies |
Cat#51-01-18-01 |
Murine RNase inhibitor |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#M0314L |
Luna Universal qPCR master mix |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#M3003E |
m7GpppG |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#S1411L |
GpppG |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#S1407L |
Q5 polymerase |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#M0491L |
Vaccinia capping enzyme |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#M2080S |
2′ O-Methyltransferase enzyme |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#M0366S |
Antarctic phosphatase |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#MO289L |
T4 PNK |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#M0201L |
XRN-1 |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#M0338L |
32P Radionuclide |
Perkin-Elmer |
Cat#NEX053H001MC |
[ɑ-32P]-GTP |
Perkin-Elmer |
Cat#BLU006H250UC |
Polyethylenimine, Linear, MW 25,000 |
Polysciences, Inc |
Cat#23966-1 |
PhosSTOP |
Sigma Aldrich |
Cat#4906837001 |
Gibco |
Cat#11995073 |
OptiMEM |
Gibco |
Cat#11058021 |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Puromycin Dihydrochloride |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat#AAJ61278MC |
Sera-Mag Protein A/G beads |
Cytiva |
Cat#09-981-921 |
Anti-HA magnetic beads |
ThermoFisher Scientific, Pierce |
Cat#PI88837 |
SeraMag Oligo dT magnetic beads |
Cytiva |
Cat#09-981-145 |
G-25 column |
Cytiva |
Cat#45 001 397 |
Heparin |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat#BP2425 |
Cycloheximide |
MP Biomedicals, Inc. |
Cat#ICN10018301 |
Phos-Tag acrylamide |
Apexbio Technology |
Cat#NC1646902 |
SUPERase-In RNase Inhibitor |
Invitrogen |
Cat#AM2696 |
Proteinase K |
ThermoFisher Scientific |
Cat#BP1700-100 |
Phenol Chloroform |
Cat#97064-712 |
Glycogen |
Cat#97063-256 |
HIV-1 Protease |
C. Schiffer, University of Massachusetts Medical School |
NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly |
Cat#E2621L |
EXPRE35S35S Protein Labeling Mix |
Perkin Elmer |
Cat#NEG072002MC |
Critical commercial assays |
NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina |
New England Biolabs |
Cat#E7760L |
m6A eCLIP Kit |
Eclipse Bioinnovations |
Cat#143651 |
Deposited data |
RNA-Seq (WT versus phosphomimetic eIF3d HEK293T, veh. versus 16 h Tg) |
This paper |
GSE236188 |
eIF3dTEV Subunit-Seq (HEK293T 16h Tg) |
This paper |
GSE236188 |
m6A eCLIP (WT versus phosphomimetic eIF3d HEK293T, veh. versus 16 h Tg) |
This paper |
GSE236188 |
Experimental models: Cell lines |
Human: HEK293T |
CRL-11268 |
Human: HEK293T eIF3dTEV
Lamper et al23
Human: HEK293T eIF3d S528D/S529D |
This paper |
Human: HEK293T ALKBH5-ΔSL3 |
This paper |
Oligonucleotides |
DNA primers for RT-qPCR, see Table S4
This paper |
Table S4
DNA primers for ALKBH5 cloning, see Table S4
This paper |
Table S4
DNA primers for ATF4 cloning, see Table S4
This paper |
Table S4
DNA primers for GCN2 cloning, see Table S4
This paper |
Table S4
sgRNA sequences (eIF3d and ALKBH5), see Table S4
This paper |
Table S4
Donor oligos (eIF3d and ALKBH5), see Table S4
This paper |
Table S4
Recombinant DNA |
Plasmid: pLBH269 SpCas9 sgRNA |
L. Harrington and J. Doudna (UC Berkeley) |
Plasmid: pcDNA4-ALKBH5 5′ UTR-RLuc |
This paper |
Plasmid: pcDNA4-ALKBH5 5′ UTR-RLuc – stem |
This paper |
Plasmid: pcDNA4-ALKBH5 5′ UTR-RLuc – comp |
This paper |
Plasmid: pcDNA4-ALKBH5 5′ UTR-RLuc – loop |
This paper |
Plasmid: pcDNA4-GCN2 5′ UTR-RLuc |
This paper |
Plasmid: pcDNA4-ATF4 5′ UTR-RLuc |
This paper |
Plasmid: pGEX-4T1-PCIF1 |
Boulias et al.48
E. Greer, Washington University, St. Louis |
Software and algorithms |
CFX Maestro |
Biorad |
Windaq |
DataQ instruments |
RNAStructure |
Reuter et al.75
Darty et al.74
Dennis et al.90
ShinyGO |
Ge et al.89
DESeq2 |
Love et al.82
Bowtie2 |
Langmead et al.78
bwa |
Li et al.86
Cutadapt |
SAMtools |
Li et al.80
Dobin et al.79
UMItools |
Smith et al.84
pyCRAC |
Webb et al.85
Shah et al.87