Figure 2. Single-shot proteomics comparing Orbitrap Ascend and Orbitrap Eclipse.
The number of identified unique peptides from serial dilution analysis, injecting 10–1,000 ng of tryptic peptides and eluting with a length of 40 min, performed using (a) 7,500 res FTMS2, (b) 15,000 res FTMS2, (c) 30,000 res FTMS2, and (d) ITMS2. (e) The number of 7,500 res FTMS2 scans acquired over a range of elution lengths. (f) The number of unique peptides identified over a range of elution length using 7,500 res FTMS2. Student’s t-tests were performed to calculate p values for comparison between the two instruments. *, p < 0.05. **, p < 0.01. ***, p < 0.001. Error bars represented one standard deviation of uncertainty. n=3.