(A) Sample images of LysoTracker staining of WT and KO HAP1 cells expressing TMEM175 or its T395W mutant.
(B) Averaged LysoTracker intensity per cell. Data are represented as mean ± SEM (n= 27-30 cells, *** p <0.001).
(C) Lysosomal pH in WT and KO HAP1 cells determined using ratiometric fluorescence imaging of Oregon Green 488 Dextran. Data are represented as mean ± SEM (n = number of cells per group, *** p <0.001, ** p <0.01).
(D) & (E) Sample images of DQ™-BSA-red staining and overall intensity in WT and KO HAP1 cells expressing TMEM175 or its T395W mutant. Data are represented as mean ± SEM (n= 30 cells, *** p <0.001).
(F) & (G) Sample images Magic Red staining and overall intensity in WT and KO HAP1 cells expressing TMEM175 or its T395W mutant. Data are represented as mean ± SEM (n= 30 cells, *** p <0.001, * p <0.05).
See also Figure S7.