(A) Representative transmission electron micrographs of GFP- endogenous AT2 cells and GFP+ donor-derived AT2-like cells from the same mouse. Scale bars are 1.0 um. * = lamellar body and MV = microvilli.
(B) Representative immunofluorescence confocal microscopy of GFP/HOPX/proSFTPC expression in cultured mouse lung alveolospheres, comparing endogenous or donor-derived epithelial cells co-cultured with PDGFRanGFP+ primary lung fibroblasts. PDGFRa-GFP is nuclear, while donor-derived cells have a cytoplasmic GFP. Nuclei stained with Hoechst, scale bars are 50um (top row) or 12.5 um (bottom row).
(C) Schematic for EdU labeling of transplant recipient mice following a second bleomycin injury or media-only control.
(D) Percent EdU labeling of endogenous and donor-derived cells in ESC-derived tip-like cell recipients for the first 20 days following media-only delivery or a secondary bleomycin injury. Lobes were pruned down to regions containing GFP+ cells, or similar regions in no transplant controls, prior to digestion into single cell suspension. n.s. = not significant by unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t-test. n= 3,5 biological replicates. Error bars = mean +/− SEM.