A and B, Original recording traces show the effects of bilateral microinjection of control (Ctrl) peptide (50 pmol in 50 nL, A) or α2δ−1CT peptide (50 pmol in 50 nL, B) followed by AP5 (1.0 nmol in 50 nL) into the PVN on arterial blood pressure (Bp), heart rate (HR), and integrated renal sympathetic activity (Int-RSNA) in FK506-treated rats. Insets (in red): expanded raw recording traces of RSNA. C and D, Mean data show changes in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), HR, and Int-RSNA in FK506-treated rats after microinjection of Ctrl peptide (C, n = 6 male rats) or α2δ−1CT peptide (D, n = 9 male rats) followed by AP5 into the PVN. Repeated measures ANOVA with Dunnett’s post hoc test was used in C and D. E and F, Representative low- and high-magnification brightfield and fluorescence images (E) and schematic drawings (F, the injection sites corresponding to E are indicated in red dots) show microinjection sites in the PVN in FK506-treated rats. ○, microinjection sites in FK506-treated rats in C; ●, microinjection sites in FK506-treated rats in D. 3V, third ventricle; AHA, anterior hypothalamic area; AHC, central division of the anterior hypothalamus; LA, latero-anterior hypothalamus; OX, optic chiasm.