Representative examples of evoked response traces, raster plots, and
post stimulus time histograms (PSTH) for each deafferentation group. (a1) rAMP
group, Top row – Representative example of evoked response traces
recorded in the FBS following 25 consecutive electrical simulations of the
forepaw before deafferentation (PreFP). Solid triangles mark the time
of stimulus onset, and open triangles mark the onset of the evoked response.
Accompanying raster plots show cell firing for each stimulus trial, and PSTHs
show the number spikes recorded in 2 ms bins. Middle row – Representative
example of evoked responses recorded in the FBS following 25 consecutive
stimulations of the lower jaw before deafferentation (PreLJ);
accompanying raster and PSTH are also shown. Bottom Row – Representative
example of evoked responses recorded in the FBS following 25 consecutive
stimulations of the lower jaw along with accompanying raster plot and PSTH
collected immediately after forelimb amputation. Note the presence of the evoked
response following stimulation of the lower jaw which was not present prior to
deafferentation. (a2, a3) Representative examples of evoked responses, raster
plots and PSTHs for rBPnc and rBPA rats. In each case, lower jaw stimulation
evoked a response in the FBS only after forelimb deafferentation. (a4)
Representative example of evoked response traces, raster plot and PSTH for
delayed forelimb amputee (dAMP) that was recorded 10-wks after amputation. dAMP
rats were not tested prior to amputation. Inspection of each rapid deafferented
group record shows that the onset of lower jaw evoked responses lagged behind
PreFP recorded latencies. rAMP: rapid Amputation Group, rBPnc:
rapid Brachial Plexus nerve cut Group, rBPA: rapid Brachial Plexus Anesthesia
Group, dAMP: delayed Amputation Group.