Primary school Kitchen & Garden program located in the Burnie Local Government Area of rural/regional North-West Tasmania
Specific need identified by school community for greater knowledge, understanding and skills, in healthy diets and nutrition
Incorporated into the teaching curriculum with regular student engagement in the kitchen and garden spaces
Provision of one teacher and one learning assistant to deliver program activities
Dedicated and centrally located kitchen and garden spaces with close physical connection
Garden-based activities closely associated with kitchen-based activities
Provision of materials and consumables made possible through school and community support
Dedicated support from the entire school community including principal, staff, and students
Program important to the holistic development of students, with strong belief that objectives will be achieved
Students enjoyed and engaged with accessible spaces provided and experiential activities delivered
Program supports teamwork and collaboration between students leading to improved learning
Parents and families saw value in how program contributes to student’s education
Program reliant on dedication of key members of staff, including the principal, teacher coordinating garden activities, and learning assistant coordinating kitchen activities
students are enthusiastic, engaged, and participate in the kitchen and garden activities, demonstrated through numbers of students attending and feedback
students develop knowledge, understanding, skills, and behavioral change toward gardening and cooking, demonstrated through completion of learning activities in both environments
students develop knowledge, understanding, skills, and behavioral change toward healthy food production, nutrition, and meal preparation, enabling better health and well-being for children, families, and the community