Effects of GF and sex on relative gene expression levels (fold changes) of OPG, RankL, MMP2, MMP13, MMP14, ACP, CTSK, and on the non-relative expression level of RankL/OPG ratio. OPG expression was lower in GF mice compared to conventional mice. RankL expression was similar among groups. MMP2 expression decreased with GF. MMP13 expression was similar among groups. MMP14 was expressed more in females compared to males but was unchanged with GF. ACP5 did not differ with sex or GF. CTSK expression was lower in females than males but not changed with GF. The RankL/OPG ratio was higher in GF mice compared to conventional mice. Data are presented as means. Error bars indicate one standard deviation. P-values for significant main effects of GF or sex are shown above each gene. All p-values correspond with results of the omnibus ANOVA test. There were no interactions between sex and GF.