The effect of GF and sex on bone resorbing cells. A) Sex and GF had an interactive effect on osteoclast number density per perimeter (number/mm), such that only GF females had reduced osteoclasts per endocortical perimeter compared to their conventional mice. B) TRAP-stained osteocyte lacunar number density per area (number/mm2) was decreased in females and GF overall. C) lacunar number density per area (number/mm2) and D) percent empty lacunae were not influenced by microbiome status or sex. Boxplots represent median value (cross), interquartile range (box), minimum/maximum (whiskers), and symbols representing all data points. All p-values correspond with results of the omnibus ANOVA test, unless specifically indicated with symbol # which indicates a pairwise post-hoc test following a significant interaction.