Whole bone and tissue properties of femurs for GF versus conventional mice from flexural testing. A) The linear relationship between whole bone strength (peak bending moment) and section modulus was altered with GF in female mice but not males. B) Imin is increased for GF females and decreased for GF males compared with conventional mice of the same sex. C) Tissue strength (i.e., ultimate stress) and D) modulus were greater for GF compared with conventional mice of both sexes. E) Kcmax from notched fracture testing of the contralateral femur did not differ with GF or sex but may be underpowered for females (GF females vs. conventional females, p = 0.1). Boxplots represent median (cross), interquartile range (box), minimum/maximum (whiskers), and symbols representing all data points. All p-values correspond with results of the omnibus ANOVA test, unless specifically indicated with symbol # which indicates a pairwise post-hoc test following a significant interaction.