(A) Overview of the experimental strategy is shown. Pooled DRG cell suspensions from three naïve mice were used for scRNA-seq, which was performed using the Chromium droplet encapsulating technology from 10X Genomics. Unsupervised clusters were generated by uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP). (B) UMAP plot of 10,172 DRG individual cells is shown. Each point represents an individual cell, and clusters are colored by cell type assignment. (C) Cluster names are followed by the number of cells per cluster, UMIs per cluster, and genes detected per cluster. (D) Heat map of expression of the top 50 most significantly enriched genes for each cluster is shown. (E) UMAP plots for the neuronal marker Tubb3, non-neuronal marker B2m, macrophage marker Aif1, and glial cell marker Sox10 are presented. The scale and color indicate log2 expression of each gene.