Deserpidine reduces tumour burden and increases mice overall survival in vivo. (a) Development of brain metastasis assessed by T2 weighted MRI at week 4 and 6 after intracardial injection of MBM H1_DL2 cells. Mice were either treated with 0.15 mg/kg deserpidine or solvent 3 days per week. n = 10 mice per group. (b) Quantification of the numbers and volumes of brain metastasis in 0.15 mg/kg deserpidine‐treated and control animals. (c) Development of tumour burden evaluated week 4 and 6 with IVIS bioluminescent imaging after i.c. injection of MBM H1_DL2 cells. Mice were either treated with 0.5 mg/kg deserpidine or solvent every 3 days. n = 10 mice per group. (d) tumour distribution in head and body were quantified by the average radiance in photons/s/cm2/steradia (p/s/cm2/sr). (e) Kaplan–Meier survival curves calculated for all animals in the second treatment study. (f) Representative images of Ki67 staining of formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) sections of brain tumour tissue from animal test subjects after sacrificing. Scale bar: 50 μm. (g) Quantification of Ki67 staining as a percentage of total cells in each tumour. (h) Representative images of GFAP staining of FFPE sections of brain tumour tissue and brain non‐tumour tissues from animal test subjects after sacrificing. Scale bar = 200 μm. (i) Quantification of GFAP staining as a percentage of intensity of GFAP in tumour edge, tumour core and non‐tumour tissue areas. Data are displayed as mean ± SEM. Groups were compared using the Welch t‐test. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.