Biochemical regulation of Nosustrophine in 3xTg-AD mice serum. Wild-type (WT) and AD-mice were treated with Nosustrophine. Most of the parameters analyzed show a significant correlation between an improved biochemical neuroprotection and mice treated with Nosustrophine, mainly in the early stages. (A,B): Inflammation response: Nosustrophine decreased C reactive protein (CRP) in young AD-mice. (C–E): Antioxidant status improves with Nosustrophine: TAS increased in adult AD-mice (non-significant for WT) and GR increased mainly in WT and young AD-mice. (F): In lipid peroxidation (MDA), as marker of oxidative stress, no significant results were found. (G,H): Vitamin B6 levels increased in WT mice and Folate levels were higher in young AD-mice, both treated with Nosustrophine. (I–K): Nosustrophine tends to decrease creatinine concentration and transaminases activity (GOT and GPT) in all groups being only significant for creatinine in WT mice. Significant values are represented as indicated * (p < 0.05), ** (p < 0.01) and *** (p < 0.001); Error bars: 95% CI. Data are expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM).