Mild thinness of preschoolers in relation to five maternal essential metal elements levels in the second trimester in the logistic regression model. The odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were presented for each tertile compared with the third tertile (T1). Notes: Cu, copper; Ca, calcium; Fe, iron; Mg, magnesium; Zn, zinc; T1, 1st tertile; T2, 2nd tertile; T3, 3rd tertile; CI, confidence interval. a Crude model. b Adjusted model 1: adjusted for maternal age, pre-pregnancy BMI, parity, gravidity, newborn gender, and gestation age. c Adjusted model 2: adjusted for variables in model 1 and the other four maternal essential metal elements. d Mild thinness is defined as body mass index z-score < −1 for 6-year-old preschoolers of different genders. e
p trend was the p value for the trend. ** p <0.01.