Intrapersonal Level
Vaccine related factors
Vaccine safety
Safety concerns [23,25,33,48,50,51,55,56,57,60,61,65,66,67,68,69,70,72,74,75,76,77,78,81,82,83,84,85,86,88,91,92,95] |
Confident in the COVID-19 vaccines [47,52,88] |
Vaccine efficacy
Concerns about the effectiveness of the vaccine [23,25,65,67,69,70,76,77,78,82,84,85,86,88,92,95] |
Belief that the vaccine is effective in protecting against COVID-19 [74] |
Vaccine knowledge
Having poor knowledge [66] |
Vaccine perception
Having a negative perception [43] |
Vaccine preference
Prefer to wait for another type of COVID-19 vaccine [70] |
Vaccine necessity
Not a priority [70] |
Vaccine experiences
Experiences of discomfort while receiving the first dose [95] |
Vaccine immunity against COVID-19
Sufficient immunity with the first dose [95] |
Vaccine vs. alternative treatment
Preferred alternative treatment to the COVID-19 vaccine [61,81,95] |
Vaccine development
Mistrust in science [23,47,55,56,61,66,68,69,70,74,75,77,81,82,85,90,91] |
Diagnosis of COVID
Prior diagnosis [23,67,91,92] |
Susceptibility of contracting COVID
Low perceived susceptibility [23,66,67,78,91] |
High perceived susceptibility [25,47,59,63,87,92] |
Side-effects of COVID
Previous history of loss of smell & taste [56] |
Protection against COVID
Belief in one’s immune system [65,68,76,77,95] |
Requires the vaccine to protect oneself [60,72,74,78,84,88,91] |
Psychosocial factors
Chronic illness
Presence of chronic illness [56] |
Presence of chronic illness [59] |
Family planning
Planning pregnancy [67,70,91] |
Religious beliefs [55,56,61,66,70,81,95] |
Experiences with vaccines
Prior adverse reactions to vaccines [2,61] |
Fear of needles & injections [70] |
Against vaccinations in general [91] |
Interpersonal Level
Relationship with colleagues
Being influenced by colleagues [63] |
Relationship with family
Requires permission from their family before taking the COVID-19 vaccine [70] |
Disapproval from family [66] |
Desire to protect loved ones [25,60,72,78,84,88,91,92] |
Loss of someone to COVID-19 [55] |
Relationship with religious leaders
Discouragement from Religious leaders [66] |
Organizational Level
Institutional structures
Government & stakeholders
Lack of trust [25,43,56,57,68,81,90] |
Government officials not accepting vaccine uptake [66] |
Vaccine accessibility
COVID-19 vaccine inaccessible [63,65,70,75] |
COVID-19 vaccine accessible [63] |
Workplace environment
Company policy
To keep working [91] |
Leadership & support
Lack of support by employer [66] |
Community Level
Shared norms & myths
Public health responsibility
To end the pandemic [52,78,91,92] |
Access to information
Lack of information [23,25,57,61,63,67,70,78] |
Social media
Subscribing to misinformation or conspiracies [57,60,63,68,70,72,90] |
Policy Level
Vaccination policies
Travel requirements
Requires the vaccine for future travel [47,60,63] |
Vaccination cost
Vaccines are provided free of charge [74,88] |
Mandatory policies
Feeling coerced into accepting vaccines [82,89] |