Fig. 3.
ICAM2 suppresses GC growth in vitro and in vivo. a Assessment of transfection efficiency by Western blotting after overexpression or knockdown of ICAM2 in GC cells. b, c Results of cell proliferation assay and colony formation assay demonstrating the effects of ICAM2 overexpression and knockdown on GC cell growth. d, e Flow cytometry analysis examining the impact of ICAM2 overexpression or knockdown on cell cycle progression and apoptosis in GC cells. f Western blotting analysis of apoptosis‐related proteins in ICAM2-overexpressing or knockdown cells. g, h Growth curve and weight measurements of xenografts in immunodeficient mice with stable expression of vector control or ICAM2. (i, j) Growth curve and weight measurements of xenografts in immunodeficient mice injected with control or ICAM2-sh cells. k H&E and IHC staining images of primary tumor tissue with or without ICAM2 overexpression. l H&E and IHC staining images of primary tumor tissue with or without ICAM2 knockdown