Total |
2374 |
100.00 |
Gender |
Female |
1179 |
49.66 |
Male |
1195 |
50.34 |
Age at diagnosis, y.o. |
0–39 |
108 |
4.55 |
40–59 |
736 |
31.00 |
60–79 |
1267 |
53.37 |
80+ |
263 |
11.08 |
Race |
Non-Hispanic White |
1334 |
56.19 |
Non-Hispanic Black |
466 |
19.63 |
Hispanic |
279 |
11.75 |
Other |
295 |
12.43 |
Cancer site |
Colon |
40 |
1.68 |
Esophagus |
10 |
0.42 |
Stomach |
1560 |
65.71 |
Rectum |
39 |
1.64 |
Small intestine |
706 |
29.74 |
Other |
19 |
0.80 |
Tumor stage |
Localized |
1910 |
80.45 |
Regional via direct extension only |
204 |
8.59 |
Regional lymph nodes involved only |
22 |
0.93 |
Regional via both direct extension and lymph node involvement |
13 |
0.55 |
Distant |
224 |
9.44 |
Living area |
Counties in metropolitan areas of 1 million persons |
1390 |
58.55 |
Counties in metropolitan areas of 250,000 to 1 million persons |
592 |
24.94 |
Counties in metropolitan areas of 250,000 persons |
134 |
5.64 |
Nonmetropolitan counties adjacent to a metropolitan area |
163 |
6.87 |
Nonmetropolitan counties not adjacent to a metropolitan area |
95 |
4.00 |
Income per year |
USD < 35,000 |
46 |
1.94 |
USD 35,000–44,999 |
166 |
6.99 |
USD 45,000–54,999 |
346 |
14.57 |
USD 55,000–64,999 |
563 |
23.72 |
USD 65,000–74,999 |
496 |
20.89 |
USD 75,000+ |
757 |
31.89 |
Marital status |
Married |
1376 |
57.96 |
Single |
397 |
16.72 |
Divorced/separated |
237 |
9.98 |
Widowed |
258 |
10.87 |
Unknown |
106 |
4.47 |
Radiation |
No |
2370 |
99.83 |
Yes |
4 |
0.17 |
Chemotherapy |
No |
1521 |
64.07 |
Yes |
853 |
35.93 |
Year of diagnosis |
2010 |
186 |
7.83 |
2011 |
209 |
8.80 |
2012 |
278 |
11.71 |
2013 |
267 |
11.25 |
2014 |
307 |
12.93 |
2015 |
333 |
14.03 |
2016 |
386 |
16.26 |
2017 |
408 |
17.19 |