Representative 2PT-AF (A), 2PT-FLIM (B), SHG (C), and 2PT-CARS (D) images of skin penetration. (A): Penetration of sunscreen labeled with 0.1% fluorescein into human SC in vivo (homogeneously distributed white areas, 2PT-AF excited at 760 nm), adopted with permission from Ref. [143]; (B): Penetration of Nile red into porcine SC ex vivo (green–blue areas represent the Nile red (mean AF lifetime 2000–2500 ps), 2PT-AF excited at 760 nm), adopted under CC BY 4.0 license from Ref. [145]; (C): Penetration of zinc oxide nanoparticles (0.008%) into human SC in vivo (homogeneously distributed white particles, SHG excited at 760 nm), reprinted with permission from Ref. [146]; (D): Penetration of tailorable nanoemulsions packed with glycerol into human epidermis ex vivo (white arrow shows large aggregate, 2PT-CARS excited at 1040 nm for “Stokes” and 803 nm for “pump” beams), adopted under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license from Ref. [114]. Scale bar: 50 µm.