A-C. Scratch wound assay on D30 neuron precursor cells recording cell migration for three days. Migration rate was measured as the wound area relative to the spatial cell density outside of the wound (Wound Density) and the confluence of cells within the wound region (Wound Confluence). Scale Bars: 300 μm. D-E. Endpoint tracking of migrating cells using the μ-Slide Chemotaxis assay. The start point for each tracked cell is located in the center of the diagram and the vectorial displacement is delineated in the direction of movement. The Y-axis represents movement along the chemoattractant gradient, which is higher towards the top of the diagram, and the X-axis represents movement perpendicular to the chemoattractant gradient. F. Chemotaxis analysis. G. Representative images of D30 neurons. Blue: Nuclear counterstain DAPI, Green: Actin filament stain Phalloidin, Scale Bars: 125 μm. H. Immunofluorescent assessment of actin filament organization and cytoskeleton pattern analysis of D30 neurons. Ch1: Phalloidin. *: p-value<0.05, **: p-value<0.01, ***: p-value<0.001, ****: p-value<0.0001