Figure 5. Cytoskeleton Rearrangement Assay of Neuronal Precursor Cells and iPSC-Derived Neurons.
A. Representative images of D30 neuron progenitor cells. Blue: Nuclear counterstain DAPI, Green: Actin filament stain Phalloidin. Scale Bars: 125 μm B. Representative images of D70 neurons. Blue: Nuclear counterstain DAPI, Green: Actin filament stain Phalloidin, Red: β-tubulin 3. Scale Bars: 125 μm C-D. Comparison of cytoskeleton characteristics that were significantly different between D30 (C-D) and D70 (E-F) TTC3 pS1038C cells and unedited cells after treatment with Cytochalasin D (CytoD), Jasplakinolide (Jaspla) and Y27632. Ch1: Phalloidin, Ch3: β-tubulin 3. *: p-value<0.05, ***: p-value<0.001.