Figure 4. Infection severity and distribution for patients with WHIM during the plerixafor and G-CSF treatment phases.
(A, B, and D) Drug order is color-coded in the top right corner. GP, G-CSF first followed by plerixafor; PG, plerixafor first followed by G-CSF. Each line represents a single patient, connecting results for each treatment phase. “Fail” in A and B refers to patients who dropped out because of drug intolerance or failure to meet the prespecified ANC threshold during the equilibration phase. (C) The infection distribution by site and the total number of patient-years of drug exposure for each treatment phase. UTI, urinary tract infection; GI, gastrointestinal infection. P values at the top left of each graph were determined using a Wilcoxon’s rank-sum analysis, as specified in the Supplemental Statistical Analysis Plan.