Fig. 1.
Preparation and characterization of BT-EXOs-CAP. (A) Preparation flow chart of bone targeting NPs. (B) Representative images of BMSCs. (C) Representative TEM images of EXOs, BT-EXOs, and BT-EXO-CAP. (D) Size distribution of EXO, BT-EXO, and BT-EXO-CAP. (E) WB analysis of EXO markers CD63/9/81, TSG101, endoplasmic reticulum marker, and Calnexin on BMSCs, EXO, BT-EXO, and BT-EXO-CAP. (F) Particle size by NP tracking analysis for EXO, BT-EXO, and BT-EXO-CAP during storage at -20℃. (G) The drug release profile of BT-EXO-CAP in PBS with pH 4.5 and 7.4. Scale bar: B 200 μm, C 100 nm