Fig 5.
BP4L-18:1:1 relieves sciatic spared nerve injury-induced mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia in a dose-dependent manner in male and female rats. The top four panels examine mechanical allodynia by plotting the withdrawal threshold of the paw ipsilateral to SNI injury in response to mechanical stimuli applied using (a) electronic and (b) manual von Frey procedures. Hypersensitivity to (c) cold and (d) hot thermal stimuli were determined by observing the length of time an animal lifted/licked the injured/tested paw (cold) and the latency before the animal withdrew its foot from the heat source (hot). In all panels, the timing of baseline and post-surgical measurements is in days (‘d’) with respect to the day of surgery (as detailed below (d)). Treatment is 1 or 7 days of once-daily dosing with vehicle or the indicated dose of BP4L-18:1:1 with timing relative to the SNI+28d determination. Thirty-six animals were used in total, with 12 animals each randomly assigned to vehicle, low-dose, and high-dose groups. Low dose, 0.58 mmol kg−1; high dose, 1.74 mmol kg−1. Data are presented as mean [standard deviation].