(A) The probability of CAP III occurrence (x-axis) for each individual, which can be interpreted as an individual’s preference to have CAP III, was evaluated by the difference in the occurrence of 4 CAPs versus 5 CAPs, as described in Fig. 1B. For each subject, we computed the number of permutations (occurrence out of 1,000 permutations) when 4 CAPs were estimated and the number of permutations for the same subject to be involved when 5 CAPs were estimated. Then, for each subject, we compared the difference in the occurrence (Δ Occurrence = Occurrence(k = 5) - Occurrence(k = 4)) from each split. Then, for each individual, the Δ Occurrence was averaged over two splits. Finally, the within-subject average Δ Occurrence was normalized across subjects to z-scores. Individuals were color-coded by subgroups defined using the hierarchical clustering of 30 neural features (Fig. 4). (B)-(D) Scatter plots of individuals’ preference to have CAP III with respect to the individual scores on the neural PC 1 (B), neural PC 2 (C), neural PC 3 (D), and behavioral PC 1 (E).