Fig. 1.
Worker honey bee development and FACS. a) Development of honey bee worker from egg to day 15 pupa. Queen bee was trapped on a broodless drawn broodframe in a queen excluder cage for 1 day and removed, samples of eggs, larvae, and pupae were taken at 1 day intervals from frame within excluder cage after queen removal. L1, 1st larval instar; L5, 5th larval instar; PP1, prepupal phase 1; PP2, prepupal phase 2; PP3, prepupal phase 3; Pw, white-eyed pupa; Pp, pink-eyed pupa. S1 and S2 were stages analyzed for single-cell transcriptomics. Representative gating strategy for live single-cell sort of stage 1 b) and stage 2 c) bee pupae. The cells gate was defined on size and granularity, and then single cells were defined using forward scatter area verses height. Live cells were then sorted by discriminating SytoxRed positive cells.