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. 2023 Oct 1;17(10):e13190. doi: 10.1111/irv.13190


Socio‐demographic, clinical and study characteristics of participants enrolled between May 2020 and June 2021 who completed at least one symptom survey in the RECoVERED cohort in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Initial COVID‐19 severity a p‐Value
Total Mild Moderate Severe/critical
N = 292 N = 86 N = 127 N = 79
Baseline socio‐demographic and medical characteristics
Sex 0.25
Male 170 (58%) 44 (51%) 76 (60%) 50 (63%)
Female 122 (42%) 42 (49%) 51 (40%) 29 (37%)
Age, years 51.0 (36.0–62.0) 41.0 (29.0–54.0) 50.0 (34.0–62.0) 60.0 (51.0–66.0) <0.001
BMI, kg/m2 26.1 (23.5–29.4) 24.5 (22.8–27.7) 26.2 (23.5–29.4) 27.4 (25.5–33.3) <0.001
BMI category <0.001
Normal weight 121 (41%) 50 (58%) 52 (41%) 19 (24%)
Overweight 101 (35%) 23 (27%) 45 (35%) 33 (42%)
Obese 68 (23%) 13 (15%) 30 (24%) 25 (32%)
Missing 2 (1%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (3%)
Migration background 0.003
Dutch 183 (63%) 62 (72%) 77 (61%) 44 (56%)
Non‐Dutch, OECD high‐income 31 (11%) 11 (13%) 16 (13%) 4 (5%)
Non‐Dutch, OECD low/middle income 71 (24%) 10 (12%) 32 (25%) 29 (37%)
Missing 7 (2%) 3 (3%) 2 (2%) 2 (3%)
Smoking 0.13
Non‐smoker 182 (62%) 52 (60%) 74 (58%) 56 (71%)
Smoker 19 (7%) 8 (9%) 10 (8%) 1 (1%)
Ex‐smoker 88 (30%) 24 (28%) 43 (34%) 21 (27%)
Missing 3 (1%) 2 (2%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)
Highest level of education <0.001
None, primary or secondary education 41 (14%) 7 (8%) 22 (17%) 12 (15%)
Vocational training 70 (24%) 9 (10%) 32 (25%) 29 (37%)
University education 173 (59%) 67 (78%) 71 (56%) 35 (44%)
Missing 8 (3%) 3 (3%) 2 (2%) 3 (4%)
Number of COVID‐19 high‐risk comorbidities b <0.001
0 160 (55%) 61 (71%) 75 (59%) 24 (30%)
1 72 (25%) 18 (21%) 28 (22%) 26 (33%)
2 36 (12%) 5 (6%) 16 (13%) 15 (19%)
3 or more 24 (8%) 2 (2%) 8 (6%) 14 (18%)
COVID‐19‐related clinical characteristics
Symptom status at baseline 0.45
Symptomatic 287 (98%) 85 (99%) 127 (100%) 75 (95%)
Asymptomatic 2 (1%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)
Missing 3 (1%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 3 (4%)
Hospital admission 141 (48%) 4 (5%) 60 (47%) 77 (97%) <0.001
ICU admission 40 (14%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 40 (51%) <0.001
Days from illness onset to COVID‐19 diagnosis 4 (2–10) 3 (1–8) 4 (2–11) 7 (2–11) 0.13
Days from illness onset to hospitalisation 9 (7–14) 43 (9–85) 10 (8–16) 9 (7–12) 0.10
Days from illness onset to ICU admission 10 (7–12) NA NA 10 (7–12)
Received oxygen therapy before or during follow‐up 135 (46%) 0 (0%) 59 (46%) 76 (96%) <0.001
Received steroid treatment <0.001
No steroid 211 (72%) 86 (100%) 88 (69%) 37 (47%)
Dexamethasone 55 (19%) 0 (0%) 27 (21%) 28 (35%)
Other steroid 26 (9%) 0 (0%) 12 (9%) 14 (18%)
Maximal HR, beats/min c 82 (72–94) 75 (67–81) 84 (76–94) 94 (79–107) <0.001
Maximal RR, breaths/min c 20 (16–24) 16 (16–16) 20 (20–24) 24 (20–32) <0.001
Lowest SpO2, % c 96 (91–98) 98 (97–99) 96 (93–98) 88 (80–90) <0.001
Received COVID‐19 primary vaccination series NA
Not vaccinated 24 (8%) 2 (2%) 13 (10%) 9 (11%)
Vaccinated 232 (79%) 72 (84%) 102 (80%) 58 (73%)
LTFU before vaccination 36 (12%) 12 (14%) 12 (9%) 12 (15%)
Time from illness onset to first vaccination, days 244 (139–360) 203 (130–310) 241 (162–318) 372 (131–393) NA
Died during follow‐up 1 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%) 0 (0%) NA
Number of reinfections NA
0 222 (76%) 57 (66%) 92 (72%) 73 (92%)
1 65 (22%) 27 (31%) 33 (26%) 5 (6%)
2 or more 5 (1%) 2 (2%) 2 (2%) 1 (1%)
Long COVID status at 12 weeks after illness onset <0.001
No (recovered within 12 weeks) 115 (39%) 54 (63%) 43 (34%) 18 (23%)
Yes (did not recover within 12 weeks) 177 (61%) 32 (37%) 84 (66%) 61 (77%)
Study characteristics
Place of recruitment <0.001
Non‐hospital 143 (49%) 75 (87%) 65 (51%) 3 (4%)
Hospital 149 (51%) 11 (13%) 62 (49%) 76 (96%)
Type of inclusion <0.001
Prospective 209 (72%) 73 (85%) 99 (78%) 37 (47%)
Retrospective 83 (28%) 13 (15%) 28 (22%) 42 (53%)
Days from illness onset to inclusion in study 12 (6–51) 7 (4–12) 12 (6–32) 42 (14–89) <0.001
Lost to follow‐up 109 26 40 43 NA

Note: Continuous variables presented as median (IQR) and compared using the Kruskal–Wallis test; categorical and binary variables presented as n (%) and compared using the Pearson χ 2 test (or Fisher exact test if n < 5). Time‐dependent outcomes not compared between groups due to bias resulting from differing follow‐up lengths.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; COVID‐19, coronavirus disease 2019; HR, heart rate; ICU, intensive care unit; LTFU, lost to follow‐up; NA, not applicable; OECD, Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development; RR, respiratory rate; SpO2, oxygen saturation on room air.


Clinical severity groups defined as: mild as having an RR < 20/min and SpO2 on room air >94% at both D0 and D7; moderate disease as having a RR 20–30/min, SpO2 90%–94% and/or receiving oxygen therapy at D0 or D7; severe disease as having a RR > 30/min or SpO2 < 90% at D0 or D7; critical disease as requiring ICU admission.


COVID‐related comorbidities are based on WHO Clinical Management Guidelines and include: cardiovascular disease (including hypertension), chronic pulmonary disease (excluding asthma), renal disease, liver disease, cancer, immunosuppression (excluding HIV, including previous organ transplantation), previous psychiatric illness and dementia.


Physical measurements at D0 and D7 study visits. Oxygen saturation measured on room air if possible or retrieved from ambulance records for hospitalised participants admitted on oxygen on day of enrollment.