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[Preprint]. 2023 Sep 23:2023.09.20.23295639. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.09.20.23295639

Table 1:

Baseline characteristics of study cohort

Overall (N= 392,589) Multiple Myeloma (N=1366)
Age at Entry
 >60 229,032 (58%) 952 (70%)
 45–60 163,557 (42%) 414 (30%)
 Male 230,130 (59%) 961 (70%)
 Female 162,459 (41%) 405 (30%)
 Non-Hispanic White 361,486 (92%) 1,216 (89%)
 Non-Hispanic Black 13,714 (4%) 94 (7%)
 Hispanic/Asian/Pacific Islander/American Indian/Alaskan Native/Unknown 17,389 (4%) 56 (4%)
Body Mass Index
 <18.5 3,935 (1%) 11 (1%)
 18.5–25 134,997 (34%) 420 (31%)
 25–30 16,3455 (42%) 609 (45%)
 30–35 59,669 (15%) 227 (17%)
 >35 23,645 (6%) 75 (5%)
 Less than high school 21,231 (5%) 74 (5%)
 Completed high school 75,189 (19%) 248 (18%)
 Post-high school training/College/Postgraduate 286,512 (73%) 1,019 (75%)
 Unknown 9,657 (3%) 25 (2%)