Illustration of the results from our pipeline. To generate an ICA‐template which corresponds to motor function, we started by entering the search term “motor function” into the meta‐analyses tool from NeuroSynth (, which generated the statistical brain map displayed in (a) from 74 studies investigating motor function. We used this map with our pipeline and obtained the ICA‐template shown in (b). Note the high spatial accuracy of our resulting ICA‐template in terms of alignment with the gray matter/white matter boundaries, while capturing the functionally relevant anatomical brain regions defined by the input map. To further illustrate that high spatial accuracy, we additionally show one of the few existing labeled ICA‐templates corresponding to motor function (Smith et al., 2009). Additionally, we show the CIFTI‐version of our resulting ICA‐template (d), projected on the surface (left column in d) and volumetrically for the subcortex and cerebellum (right column in d). Brain maps in a–c are displayed on the MNI152 2 mm template at voxel location 59, 51, 64 (color map range [4–10]). Brain map in D is displayed on CIFTI Grayordinates standard space, projected on the surface (left column in d) and volumetrically in subcortex/cerebellum at voxel location 0, −65, −27 (right column in d) (display ranges in d: [−0.15; 0.1]; color map range in absolute percent, positive, and negative: [2; 98]).