Schematic representation of the selection and targeting framework for line‐scanning. (1) In Session 1, we collect anatomical and functional data using standard sequences. Next, we reconstructed the cortical surface from the anatomical data and reconstructed the pRF properties from the functional data. Anatomical (curvature) and functional (pRF) properties were used to find a target vertex in primary visual cortex (V1). (2) The coordinate of the vertex was used as spatial reference; the normal vector was used to achieve perpendicularity to the cortex by calculating the angle between the normal vector and each cardinal axis (x, y, z). (3) Session 2 started with a brief, low‐resolution anatomical scan, which was exported from the scanner, and registered to the detailed anatomy from Session 1. (4) The resulting transformation was applied to the coordinate and normal vector of the target vertex resulting in the coordinates and orientation for the line.