Proportion of astrocytes (ACSA-2-PE+ cells), endothelia (Pecam1-APC+ cells), and negative (ACSA-2-PE−/ Pecam1-APC−) cells as determined by FACS. Cultured cells were dissociated and labeled with anti-ACSA-2 antibodies coupled to the fluorophore PE and with anti-Pecam1 antibodies coupled to APC and subjected to FACS (see methods section for details). Cells were collected from a gate that excluded debris and aggregates. 20,000 events were collected per experiment, and the percentage of cells was calculated as follows: astrocytes all PE+ cells, endothelia all APC+ cells, and negative cells (negative cells = total cells - PE+ - APC+). The mean and standard deviation of five experiments (six samples per experiment) are shown.