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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Nov 10.
Published in final edited form as: Sci Total Environ. 2023 Jul 16;898:165353. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165353

Table 2.

Adjusted change per year in% (95% CI) for urinary concentrations of phenols, phthalate metabolites and other EDCs among study participants between 2000 and 2017.

Total cohorta Sexb Agec BMId
Male Female <35 years ≥35 years <25 kg/m2 ≥25 kg/m2
triclocarban −0.53 (−4.58, 3.53) −1.04 (−5.08, 3.00) 1.82 (−9.59, 1.32) 1.61 (−2.62, 5.83) −3.45 (−10.4, 3.48) 1.73 (−2.37, 5.83) −2.72 (−10.1, 4.61)
MHiNCH 20.0 (17.8, 22.2) 19.0 (16.4, 21.6) 22.8 (18.4, 27.1) 20.4 (17.0, 23.8) 19.1 (16.1, 22.1) 20.4 (17.4, 23.5) 20.3 (17.0, 23.6)
MCOCH 16.2 (14.0, 18.4) 16.3 (13.7, 18.8) 15.5 (11.5, 19.6) 17.1 (13.9, 20.4) 15.0 (11.9, 18.2) 15.4 (13.4, 19.3) 16.9 (13.4, 20.3)
BPA −6.30 (−7.19, −5.40) −9.46 (−10.6, −8.33) −2.60 (−3.91, −1.29) −6.12 (−7.44, −4.80) −6.17 (−7.37, −4.97) −7.94 (−9.23, −6.64) −4.37 (−5.93, −3.53)
BPS 3.92 (2.66, 7.57) 4.66 (5.09, 8.81) 1.64 (−5.99, 9.28) 4.79 (−0.56, 10.2) 3.56 (−1.60, 8.72) 4.19 (−0.60, 8.98) 4.17 (−1.38, 9.72)
BPF 6.01 (1.78, 10.3) 9.43 (4.47, 14.4) −4.43 (−12.2, 3.37) 5.86 (−0.16, 11.9) 6.35 (0.35, 12.3) 6.96 (1.45, 12.5) 5.23 (−11.8, 11.7)
benzophenone-3 −6.48 (−1.11, −18.9) −8.87 (−14.7, −3.07) 0.14 (−6.14, 6.42) −6.71 (−13.4, −0.74) −4.06 (−9.39, 12.8) −11.9 (−18.8, −50.5) −0.33 (−5.67, 5.61)
butylparaben −14.2 (−16.2, −12.3) −26.2 (−29.3, −23.0) −4.96 (−6.93, −2.98) −15.1 (−18.1, −12.1) −13.5 (−16.1, −10.8) −18.4 (−21.7, −15.1) −10.9 (−13.2, −8.67)
ethylparaben −11.8 (−18.3, −5.41) −16.1 (−23.8, −8.25) 1.03 (−8.39, 10.5) −16.9 (−25.6, −8.34) −9.78 (−18.7, −0.90) −13.3 (−22.8, −3.73) −9.91 (−18.4, −1.38)
methylparaben −5.37 (−7.04, −3.69) −13.2 (−15.5, −10.8) 1.24 (−0.79, 3.28) −4.84 (−7.53, −2.14) −5.24 (−7.36, −3.11) −8.04 (−10.7, −5.44) −2.78 (−4.82, −0.75)
propylparaben −10.2 (−12.5, −8.03) −17.4 (−20.6, −14.2) −3.91 (−6.78, −1.05) −10.7 (−14.1, −7.30) −9.22 (−12.0, −6.39) −13.8 (−17.3, −10.3) −7.12 (−9.85, −4.39)
2,4-dichlorophenol −6.57 (−8.80, −4.34) −6.50 (−9.05, −3.96) −6.22 (−10.8, −1.67) −8.85 (−11.9, −5.03) −4.21 (−7.03, −1.40) −8.55 (−11.7, −5.45) −4.47 (−7.63, −1.31)
2,5-dichlorophenol −13.6 (−17.0, −10.3) −12.3 (−16.3, −8.38) −17.0 (−22.9, −11.2) −17.0 (−22.1, −11.9) −10.7 (−15.1, −6.41) −12.6 (−17.3, −7.79) −14.8 (−19.1, −10.5)
triclosan −18.8 (−24.0, −13.6) −17.0 (−23.5, −10.6) −24.1 (−32.1, −16.0) −19.8 (−27.3 −12.3) −16.5 (−23.2, −9.75) −23.4 (−30.8, −16.0) −15.6 (−22.7, −8.47)
MEP −11.5 (−12.5, −9.67) −11.2 (−13.4, −8.84) −12.4 (−14.7, −10.2) −9.47 (−11.5, −7.50) −12.2 (−14.0, −10.3) −8.69 (−10.8, −6.53) −12.7 (−14.6, −10.8)
MBP −3.33 (−4.44, −2.24) −6.11 (−7.63, −4.60) −3.74 (−6.09, −1.40) −2.42 (−4.05, −0.80) −3.83 (−5.20, −2.46) −4.29 (−5.98, −2.60) −3.22 (−4.83, −1.61)
MHBP 0.47 (−2.42, 3.36) −0.33 (−3.75, 3.09) 3.11 (−2.05, 8.28) 1.16 (−3.31, 5.62) 0.06 (−3.37, 3.86) 1.27 (−2.64, 5.19) 0.09 (−4.32, 4.33)
MiBP 5.53 (4.34, 6.73) 5.54 (3.99, 7.10) 5.35 (3.53, 7.18) 5.70 (3.81, 7.59) 5.78 (4.39, 7.23) 6.16 (4.39, 7.92) 4.66 (3.08, 6.23)
MCPP −3.19 (−4.64, −1.76) −5.15 (−7.03, −3.26) −0.34 (−2.52, 1.83) −3.10 (−5.30, −0.91) −2.83 (−4.67, −1.01) −3.28 (−5.33, −1.22) −3.02 (−5.04, −1.00)
MBzP −2.99 (−4.18, −1.80) −1.62 (−3.49, 0.26) −5.82 (−8.11, −3.52) −1.15 (−2.89, 0.59) −4.43 (−5.97, −2.89) −1.45 (−3.21, 0.33) −4.79 (−6.43, −3.15)
MEHP −11.9 (−13.1, −10.8) −14.9 (−16.2, −13.5) −11.0 (−13.2, −8.78) −10.2 (−11.9, −8.46) −13.3 (−14.8, −11.7) −12.8 (−14.2, −11.3) −11.7 (−13.4, −9.94)
MEHHP −19.1 (−20.2, −18.1) −20.4 (−21.8, −19.1) −18.6 (−20.3, −16.8) −19.0 (−20.6, −17.4) −19.4 (−20.8, −18.1) −19.0 (−20.1, 16.8) −19.5 (−20.9, −18.0)
MEOHP −19.6 (−20.6, −18.5) −20.0 (−21.4, −18.7) −19.9 (−21.8, −18.2) −19.3 (−20.9, −17.7) −20.0 (−21.4, −18.7) −19.2 (−20.7, −17.7) −20.3 (−21.8, −18.8)
MECPP −22.0 (−23.1, −20.9) −20.7 (−22.0, −19.4) −25.2 (−27.2, −23.2) −22.2 (−23.8, −20.6) −21.8 (−23.2, −20.4) −20.6 (−22.0, −19.1) −23.8 (−25.3, −22.3)
MCOP 2.13 (0.01, 4.26) −2.14 (−0.47, 4.75) 1.97 (−1.60, 5.54) 2.11 (−1.07, 5.28) 2.61 (−0.16, 5.38) 3.43 (0.44, 6.41) 0.49 (−2.47, 3.45)
MONP −47.3 (−53.5, −41.1) −42.8 (−50.0, −35.8) −60.0 (−72.5, −47.6) −44.8 (−54.3, −35.4) −48.2 (−56.2, −40.2) −47.4 (−55.3, −39.4) −45.8 (−54.8, −36.8)
MCNP −7.42 (−8.84, −5.99) −7.16 (−8.88, −5.45) −8.14 (−10.6, −5.64) −7.40 (−9.54, −5.26) −6.92 (−8.82, −5.02) −7.13 (−9.08, −5.17) −7.77 (−9.81, −5.72)
MECPTP 45.1 (38.2, 52.0) 46.0 (38.2, 53.9) 42.0 (28.9, 55.1) 40.8 (30.8, 50.7) 50.3 (40.7, 59.9) 47.4 (37.8, 57.0) 44.8 (34.6, 55.0)
MEHHTP 32.0 (26.4, 37.7) 31.1 (24.7, 37.7) 35.5 (24.7, 46.3) 30.4 (22.0, 38.9) 34.9 (27.2, 42.6) 31.2 (23.6, 38.8) 34.6 (26.1, 43.0)

Adjusted for aage, BMI, sex and specific gravity; bage, BMI, and specific gravity; cBMI, sex and specific gravity; dage, sex and specific gravity.

Abbreviations: BPA, bisphenol A; BPS, bisphenol S; BPF, bisphenol F; MEP, monoethyl phthalate; MBP, mono-n-butyl phthalate; MHBP, mono-hydroxybutyl phthalate; MiBP, mono-isobutyl phthalate; MCPP, mono-3-carboxypropyl phthalate; MBzP, monobenzyl phthalate; MEHP, mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate; MEHHP, mono-2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl phthalate; MEOHP, mono-2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl phthalate; MECPP, mono-2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl phthalate; MCOP, monocarboxyisooctyl phthalate; MONP, monooxononyl phthalate; MCNP, monocarboxyisononyl phthalate; MHiNCH, cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid monohydroxy isononyl ester; MCOCH, cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid monocarboxyisooctyl ester; MECPTP, mono-2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl; MEHHTP, mono-2-ethyl-5-hydrohexyl terephthalate.