Fig. 4.
Maternal separation leads to a reduction in Fkbp5 mRNA expression and Fkbp5 DNAm. A Maternal separation from postnatal day 2 to 12 enhances mechanical hypersensitivity to inflammation in adulthood. All animals received a s.c. injection in the left hindpaw on Day 42 (also postnatal day 42). N = 8/8. Two-way ANOVA factor treatment, Day42 to Day49, F1,14 = 15.3, P < 0.01, control vs maternal separation. B There was a significant decrease in Fkbp5 mRNA in both the brain and the spinal cord of rats with maternal separation at Day 40 (also postnatal day 40). mRNA levels were quantified by RTqPCR. N = 8/8. Data were normalised to control. Brain: control vs Mat Sep: P < 0.05 and spinal cord: control vs maternal separation: P < 0.001. C We identified two loci with different levels of DNAm between control and maternal separation with DNAm change > 1% and with FDR-corrected P trends < 0.1 (cytosines at chr20:8,063,895; chr20:8,096,364)