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. 2023 Sep 27;18:2127–2146. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S416988

Table 3.

Cohort-Level (n=100,000) Discounted Primary Analysis Results by Country and Policy

Outcome Policy 1 - Early Follow-Up Review Policy 2 - IDM Programme
UC Policy Incr. UC Policy Incr.
Life years 900,160 900,683 523 899,922 902,221 2299
Hospitalisationsa (inc. re-admission) 121,553 119,659 −1894 123,229 114,713 −8516
In-hospital deaths 6122 6026 −96 6161 5736 −425
Total costs £820,814,581 £817,919,659 £2,894,922 £851,787,232 £889,937,616 £38,150,385
Inhaled medication £359,151,999 £359,373,978 £221,979 £359,049,074 £360,022,610 £973,536
Background disease management £195,560,145 £195,686,358 £126,213 £195,500,884 £196,053,080 £552,196
Hospitalisationsa (inc. re-admission) £263,355,648 £259,223,062 –£4,132,585 £267,005,286 £248,439,385 –£18,565,900
Early follow-up review £2,746,789 £3,636,261 £889,473 £2,650,276 £2,465,993 –£184,284
IDM administration £27,581,711 £82,956,548 £55,374,837
Cost-per-life year –£5535 £16,594
Life years 1,010,966 1,011,725 759 1,010,421 1,014,040 3619
Hospitalisationsa (inc. re-admission) 234,949 231,595 −3354 237,277 221,124 −16,153
In-hospital deaths 8921 8794 −127 9007 8394 −613
Total costs €1,476,508,442 €1,469,931,271 –€6,577,173 €1,516,318,643 €1,551,901,539 €35,582,897
Inhaled medication €763,628,591 €764,204,858 €576,267 €763,214,411 €765,960,068 €2,745,657
Background disease management €163,618,938 €163,753,880 €134,942 €163,520,512 €164,160,570 €640,058
Hospitalisationsa (inc. re-admission) €547,461,279 €539,590,096 –€7,871,184 €552,924,665 €515,019,259 –€37,905,405
Early follow-up review €1,799,634 €2,382,437 €582,802 €1,735,887 €1,616,884 –€119,003
IDM administration €34,923,168 €105,144,758 €70,221,590
Cost-per-life year –€8666 €9832
Life years 976,099 977,415 1316 974,796 979,095 4299
Hospitalisationsa (inc. re-admission) 212,226 206,698 −5528 217,649 199,359 −18,290
In-hospital deaths 8062 7852 −210 8268 7573 −695
Total costs $3,031,256,494 $2,991,173,028 –$40,083,468 $3,097,777,419 $3,077,260,900 –$20,516,518
Inhaled medication $959,806,727 $961,137,566 $1,330,838 $958,487,488 $962,826,614 $4,339,126
Background disease management $347,277,418 $347,795,816 $518,397 $346,762,048 $348,444,541 $1,682,494
Hospitalisationsa (inc. re–admission) $1,719,269,179 $1,674,345,109 –$44,924,070 $1,763,347,303 $1,614,720,233 –$148,627,070
Early follow-up review $4,903,170 $7,894,537 $2,991,367 $4,810,679 $4,405,202 –$405,477
IDM administration $24,369,901 $146,864,310 $122,494,409
Cost-per-life year –$30,459 –$4772
Life years 822,984 823,496 512 799,689 803,345 3656
Hospitalisationsa (inc. re-admission) 159,457 157,546 −1911 172,665 158,253 −14,412
In-hospital deaths 8132 8035 −97 8806 8071 −735
Total costs ¥224,109,440,596 ¥223,373,862,776 –¥735,577,820 ¥238,398,978,647 ¥239,490,512,644 ¥1,091,533,997
Inhaled medication ¥60,259,150,280 ¥60,297,217,978 ¥38,067,698 ¥59,096,395,015 ¥59,371,416,079 ¥275,021,064
Background disease management ¥62,593,811,158 ¥62,639,624,248 ¥45,813,090 ¥67,307,362,854 ¥67,675,545,015 ¥368,182,161
Hospitalisationsa (inc. re-admission) ¥100,069,590,911 ¥98,865,970,763 –¥1,203,620,148 ¥108,434,797,319 ¥99,348,989,604 –¥9,085,807,715
Early follow-up review ¥1,186,888,247 ¥1,571,049,786 ¥384,161,539 ¥1,636,720,201 ¥1,499,578,570 –¥137,141,632
IDM administration ¥1,923,703,258 ¥11,594,983,377 ¥9,671,280,119
Cost-per-life year –¥1,436,675 ¥298,560

Notes: negative incremental values represent a reduction from UC. All reported costs are lifetime estimates. aHospitalisations due to severe exacerbation.

Abbreviations: IDM, integrated disease management; UC, Usual care; Incr, incremental = (Policy - UC); £, British Pound; €, Euro; $, Canadian dollar; ¥, Japanese Yen; –, Not applicable.