Figure 1.
AR antagonists promote ferroptosis in prostate cancer cells. A–I, LNCaP and C4–2 cells treated with vehicle (mock) or ENZ, vehicle (mock) or ARV110, or transfected with nonspecific shRNA (shNS) or AR-specific shRNAs (shAR#1 and #2). At 48 hours after treatment, cells were subjected to measurement of lipid peroxidation by C11-BODIPY staining and flow cytometry (A–C), and measurement of intracellular levels of GSH (D–F) and LDH (G–I). Experiments were repeated three times independently and similar results were obtained. J–L, Cell viability in LNCaP and C4–2 cells cultured in regular or cystine-low (2 μmol/L) medium in the presence or absence of Ferr-1 and treated with vehicle or ENZ (J), ARV110 (K), or infected with lentivirus expressing nonspecific shRNA (shNS) or AR-specific shRNAs (L) for 72 hours.