Fig. 3.
Emergent age effects dominate. Across the four mixed-effect age models, the emergent (positive-log-age) model dominated growth trajectories in functional connectivity over the first 2 years of life. Along the y-axis, each row corresponds to one ROI (out of a total of 278 ROIs in the 2-year functional parcellation atlas), organized by resting state network membership. The color map and value of each cell indicates the percentage of connections for this particular ROI (to every other functional parcellation ROI) showing significant connectivity based on P-value thresholding (P < 0.05) and the lowest AIC value across all four mixed-effect models. VN: visual network; SMN: sensorimotor network; DAN: dorsal attention network; VAN: ventral attention network; LN: limbic network; FPN: frontoparietal network; DMN: default mode network; SCN: subcortical network.