ROI-level age effects: pruning (negative-quadratic-age). Significant pruning effects were observed in connectivity involved in salience detection (A, D; notably, two different functional parcellation locations within the right anterior cingulate gyrus), socioemotional processing (B), and integration (C). Light gray spheres indicate seed ROI and dark gray spheres indicate significant connections surviving FDR correction. See Table S5 for a full breakdown of connections. For better visualization, a representative connection (R ACG–R SFGdor) is plotted showing single-subject scatterplots with model fit curve overlaid (Fig. S15C). R ACG: right anterior cingulate gyrus; L ROL: left Rolandic operculum; L IFGtriang: left inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularis; R SFGdor: right superior frontal gyrus, dorsal.