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. 2023 Mar 31;31(10):1175–1180. doi: 10.1038/s41431-023-01342-8

Table 1.

Summary of phenotypic and genetic findings.

Findings Family 1, II:2 Family 1, II:4 Family 2, II:1 Family 3, II:1 Family 4, II:1 Family 5, II:1 Family 6, II:2 Family 6, II:4 Family 7, II:1
General Information
  Age 25 y 15 y 27 y 9 y 29 y 3 y 9 y Birth 18 m
  Gender M M M F M M F F M
  Ethnicity Asian Asian White British Mixed European Origin Caucasian Moroccan Libyan Libyan Spanish
  Consanguinity No No No No No Yes Yes Yes NK
Genetic findings
  ALDH1A3 variantsa c.874G>T, p.Asp292Tyr; c.1393A>T, p.Ile465Phe c.874G>T, p.Asp292Tyr; c.1393A>T, p.Ile465Phe c.845G>C, p.Gly282Ala; c.1459A>G, p.Arg487Gly c.847_849del, p.Gly283del; c.953C>A, p.Ser318Tyr c.566G>A, p.Trp189*; c.100-2A>G c.1233 + 2T>C c.1144G>A, p.Gly382Arg c.1144G>A, p.Gly382Arg c.434C>T, p.Ala145Val
  Birth weight (kg) 3.45 2.38 2.77 3.1 3.2 3.6 3.3 3.77 NK
  Height (cm, centile) 165.5, 2nd–9th (24 y) 156, 9th (14 y) NK 48.5; 25th (birth) 172; 25th (25 y) 51; 50th (birth) 123; 9th (9 y) 50; 50th (birth) NK
  Weight (kg, centile) 76.5, 75th–91st (24 y) 35.6, 2nd (14 y) NK NK NK NK 24; 9th–25th (9 y) NK NK
  HC (cm, centile) 58, 91st–98th (24 y) 52.3, 0.4th–2nd (14 y) NK 32.5; 9th (birth) 59.2; 91st–98th (25 y) 37; 75th (birth) 50.3; 10th (9 y) 35.5; 91st (birth) NK
  Anophthalmia Bil Bil Bil Bil Bil
  Microphthalmia Bil Bil Bil (L > R) Bil
  Coloboma Bil R Bil
  Cataract R
  Other Lower lid cyst (R) Ocular cyst (Bil) RD and nodule near retina with small calcifications Abnormal ASM
  Nasal anomalies EN WNB, EN, SP
  SPF + + +
  DCM + +
  Other Telecanthus, Micrognathia, EF, EP, EUL, HF, FC
  ID + + +
  Motor Delay + + +
  Speech Delay Nonverbal +
  Autism + Autistic features
 MRI findings Normal NK Normal NK Normal NK Rudimentary ON and chiasm Hypoplastic ON, Bil DL NK
 Other findings Fistula-in-ano Seizures Crowded teeth

Variants are reported according to GRCh37/hg19.

ASM Anterior eye segment morphology, Bil Bilateral, DCM Downturned corners of mouth, DL Dysplastic lens, EF Epicanthic folds, EN Enlarged nares, EP Eyelid ptosis, EUL Everted upper lip, F Female, FC Full cheeks, HC Head circumference, HF High forehead, ID Intellectual disability, L Left, M Male, m months, NK Not known, ON Optic nerves, R Right, RD Retinal detachment, SP Short philtrum, SPF Short palpebral fissures, WNB Wide nasal bridge, y year.
