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. 2023 Sep 18;7:e45510. doi: 10.2196/45510

Table 3.

Participant-reported fatigue by intervention period.

Outcome Values, mean (SD) Values, mean difference (95% CI)

Baseline UCa DLb BLc UC vs baseline DL vs baseline BL vs baseline
PROMISd daily fatigue 58 (8) 54 (8) 53 (9) 53 (9) −3.7e (−5.1 to −2.4) −5.2e (−7.1 to −3.3) −5.3e (−7.0 to −3.5)
PROMIS weekly fatigue 61 (6) 58 (6) 55 (7) 56 (7) −3.0e (−4.2 to −1.9) −5.3e (−6.9 to −3.8) −5.4e (−7.1 to −3.7)
EMAf fatigue 5.20 (1.74) 4.62 (1.82) 4.26 (1.91) 4.18 (1.83) −0.62e (−0.94 to −0.31) −1.00e (−1.40 to −0.59) −1.00e (−1.30 to −0.59)

aUC: usual care.

bDL: dim light.

cBL: bright light.

dPROMIS: Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System.

eP values for paired samples t tests: P<.001.

fEMA: ecological momentary assessment.